Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post

It makes me wonder if anarchy IS actually what people want: to be free of the obligations of a government entirely. Of course, it is not as simple as that. It never is. But I do think there is a little bit of anarchist in all Americans ... and that is not a bad thing.
I think the confusion lies with the definitions of social upheaval and anarchy.

Having witnessed both but not participated in either, it sums up kind of like this in layman's terms...

Social Upheaval: When the population has finally figured out they are getting screwed by a bunch of politicians and payday no longer is enough to wash down all that Bravo Sierra, the population goes haywire.

Anarchy: The population doesn't care and the population goes haywire.

I agree, most of us do care and do try.

Most of us are also a bit skeptical when all our elected officials do all day long is ponder over something they cannot change, send us to the most inhospitable places on earth to achieve their goal of world supremacy in the name of freedom while they sit at home cranking out text on their game boy.