Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
I think there may be more to this story then meets the eye. A local talk show host Dan Morris,former official in the Reagan administration , reported that the head of the BLM was a former Campaign staffer for US Senator from Nevada Harry Reid. A strange left wing organization called the Center for Biological Diversity, may have been the organization that forced this situation to a head. This may be more about the radical ideaology and methods of our present administration and how they get past the rule of law. This may turn into another scandal for the administration and they surely don't need that.

No offense, but I don't care what political agenda may have been behind the action. There were law enforcement officers from the BLM acting in accordance with a court order. The Rule of Law dicatates that, if you have a problem with a court order you appeal it, you don't surround the BLM officers with AR-15s.