Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
So, today in Russia there are forces in action that don't look at the history the same way as Germans. One-sided love?

Look closely at what you wrote here and at what I wrote here.

And then read this definition.

It's self-explaining.

Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
I wonder how much Germany counts for anymore. Maybe it is time to stop worrying about them and 'Europe' and start thinking about countries like Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden etc.
You're more than a decade behind the curve.

Even proven stupid politicians were smart enough to walk away from this attitude.
NATO in East Europe would collapse militarily if Germany turned neutral and Germany's economic influence on Russia is much greater than the American one.

Russian exports to Germany: 6.1 %
Russian exports to USA: 5.0%

Russian imports from Germany: 15%
Russian imports from USA: 3.6%

You should wonder how much the United States count for anymore. They're having a loud voice, yet little substance in Russia's European backyard.
Obama seems to understand this.