Quote Originally Posted by ganulv View Post
But the ISI would appear to be providing arms and information to the Taliban as a part of official policy. What the Nigerian officers have been convicted of doing looks like a horse of a different color.
I'm telling you that certain Nigerian Army officers aren't supporting Boko Haram for money.

We had an attack on the Command & Staff College two years back - the Church on the premises was attacked. Some senior officers (Christians) lost their lives.

The ethno/religious balance in Nigeria is very delicate, so not everything makes it to front page news. Let me intimate you on the following facts:

1. Local communities support Boko Haram - this support is not insignificant.
2. Some in the military support Boko Haram - not for money, but for ideological/religious purposes - and with a military with significant numbers of Muslim officers & rank & file, this is a difficult problem to solve.

Not everything is "politically correct" to say.