Old name = Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq
New name = Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council

I suppose because the Revolution is over, and they won.

Iraqslogger rounds up the Iraqi newspapers' analyses. The biggest switch is supposedly the replacement of the party's spiritual leader, formerly Ayatollah Khamanei of Iran, with Ayatollah al-Sistani. This represents a move away from the Khomeini-style/Iranian ideal of wilayet al-fiqh, or religious rule with al-Sistani's softer Islamism which sees the Shia clerical hierarchy as primarily moral judges outside of government. SIIC again reiterates its support for federalism and a large Shia-dominated southern region. The Kurds also support this.

Scholar Reider Visser is skeptical here. Given SCIRI/SIIC's long association with Iran and the IRGC, I doubt there is really a big policy shift here.

Prof. Juan Cole's analysis.