Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
SBU published yesterday intercepted call between FSB officer in Crimea and rebel in Donetsk (according to his text it seems that he is from Crimea also). Rebel tells FSB guy that everything is f...ed up and peoples' support is zero. First person (nickname for Girkin/Strelok) is under the influence of Russian orthodox sect and this is very bad. Some rebel groups are just stealing cars and selling the stuff in Russia. Donetsk has been devided to influence zones between different goups to carry out criminal activities. Rebel says that there is nothing to do. He should return to Crimea to deal with Tatars there. He says also that he has already organised his agentura in Donetsk and through this set he can organise resistance in the future. FSB guy offers to rebel exfil through Rostov oblast border crossing points, where his colleague can arrange safe crossing.


Rebel says that his agentura should go to Russia for training and arming and after infiltration should carry out attacks against Ukrainian forces. Rebel says that this should take place in Perevalnoe (This is "legendary" Ukrainian military base in Crimea, that was under siege of Russian troops in March).

Video about Russian troops in Perevalnoe https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GzTV0tuQUzI

Cossacks in action in Perevalnoe http://navoine.info/crimea-ryb-2.html

One pic shows the commander of Russian troops and he has forgotten to remove Russian insignia from the hat. Otherwise he is normal green polite person.
Also in that same intercept quoted also by the German Der Spiegel today ---was the mention that the mercenaries can not hold out past the end of this month.

This is an interesting comment as there have been several blog comments indicating that coming out of the ATO are comments stating that some of the mercenary units are trying to pull back into Russia stating 19 August.

Yesterday one of the "independent BNs" working with the UA reported 45 Cossacks surrendered to them and they were handed over to the UA and SBU.