Quote Originally Posted by outlaw
AP--you speak of drones---so do you fully understand that Russia "views" US drones as being a violation of the INF?---not sure if you would agree that a Reaper or Pred can carry nuclear weapons but somehow the Russians think so.
And this is the crux of your problem. You (possibily intentionally) take a misreading of other people's words, statements, meanings, and definitions. And then, further, you attempt to critique or dismiss the other's statements on the basis of your own misreading. Your 'arguments' consist mostly of straw man constructions and ad hominen attacks, combined with a toxic dose of other fallacies. When I said 'drones', what indication did I give that I meant unmanned aerial vehicles?

Quote Originally Posted by outlaw
More Russian fascism info to bring you up to date---and yet you dismissed 1984 as applying---strange move on that comment.
Because - again - this would be a misreading of 1984.

Quote Originally Posted by outlaw
AP--another article this time from July 2014--that should expand your views on what is driving Putin and "it ain't NATO expansionism" as is claimed by Putin so often.
Nothing in that article contradicts the assertion that NATO expansionism is perceived as national security threat by Russia.