It does now seem that in fact the Russian economy is and or was just one great Ponzi scheme meaning borrowing from the left hand to pay the right and doing it on cheap interest loans on shot 90 day lines of credit and or bank loans ---all in USDs---the sanctions have been in effect for how long now? and the targeted companies are now screaming for Russian government support which they will have to provide unless they want to the banks and oil companies to declare bankruptcy.
The core question just how long can the Russian CB hold out under the strain?
Better yet just how long can Russian Foreign Reserves hold out---a number of companies are having extreme difficulty in getting their hands on USDs due to the high exchange rates and they need upwards of 41B USDs to pay back bank/private venture groups lines of credit and loans due this month.
#Sberbank is seeking financing from Russia's pension funds & insurance companies to bolster its strained capital base
IMO Putin and his inner circle absolutely did not see this freight train coming at them when they annexed the Crimea and went into the Ukraine.