Very good response, Marc. Now we'll see if they bother to come out and play...

What got to me was their very disingenuous attempt to resurrect the old "ROTC is evil" saw (can we say 1960s?) with the clip of their own article. Personally it doesn't strike me as a bad deal to get your education paid for and then get paid again for four years of work (with higher wages than most of the private sector can pony up), and in many cases ROTC is the only option open to some of our cadets when it comes to financial assistance for school.

I honestly don't think they were interested in responding to your article. That struck me more as the academic version of "Witch! Burn the Witch!" than anything else.

Which of course leads into the almost obligatory "Can she float?" references from Monty Python and the Holy Grail....which in turn leads me to look under desk for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch...