The author of the article, in the terms he framed it, is accurate. I agree with him that "in general" the press is pretty accurate, fair, balanced, and all that happy stuff.

But "in general" serial killers are just regular guys, like you or me.

The people in the press that I've met, tend to mean well and work hard, but only up to a point. In general, though, when dealing with complex, sensitive subjects (with which they tend to have a poor knowledge base), there is a tendency for members of the press to dismiss important details as "trivial" and their resultant articles/features miss the point completely, or paint a picture that is correct to the letter, but violates the essense of what actually happens.

It's a matter of knowledge base and talent. Unfortunately, those with the correct knowledge base tend to lack journalistic skill, while those with journalistic skill tend to not have a good subject knowledge base. Or if they have a good subject knowledge base, they acquired it because they have an agenda.

Of course, the press, like all other walks of life, is inhabited by many who lack knowledge and talent.