NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Pro-RU militants instigate armed provocations: used 120-mm mortars 5 times, artillery 3 times, tank & IFVs.

The SBU detained Communist party deputy who led the subversive group http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/7-april...ty-who-led-the … #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/8LcEkRSVBo

There have been accusations that there is an extremely close tie between Putin and Kadyrov due to the 1st and 2nd Chechnya wars.

It took Ramzan Kadyrov's personal involvement to let Russian state prosecutors talk to Dadaev's commander in Chechnya http://theins.ru/news/5926

Just goes to show that Moscow-based state officials have no real jurisdiction over Chechnya. Everything goes through Kadyrov.

New book reveals evidence Yeltsin govt planned 1999 Moscow bombings to bring Putin to power http://www.nybooks.com/articles/arch...scow-bombings/ … pic.twitter.com/Sjw85sBEHH

Russian media criticize Polish Pres @Komorowski for statement that Katyń was one of worst war crimes of WWII; says he's rewriting history.

Seems the Russian media "forgot" it was the Soviet NKVD that executed 22,000 Polish POWs--talk about "rewriting of history" when you forget something.