Good catch David, I was hoping to get around to peering into judicialwatch to see if they were credible. As Fabius points out, it is a far right propaganda organization managed by an ass clown. ISIL already has access to the U.S. via the internet and its numerous supporters. I don't think anyone in the security business is ignoring the problem, so it is unlikely a blog is provide groundbreaking intelligence. Judicialwatch is just jumping on the Mexican border bandwagon. The border is a major political issue in the U.S., so the left and right spread their half truths to make political hay. It will only get worse with the Presidential election coming up soon.

There are tens of thousands of Muslims south of our border. I can't recall the latest estimate, but there are approximately 200,000 Muslims in Mexico, with up to half being local converts. If you view every Muslim as a terrorist, then I guess they have terrorist training camps everywhere

I think the Fox Report quoting the State Department pretty much captures the reality. Our intelligence and law enforcement officials will investigate any report related to terrorist threats and if there is any truth to it. If there is, they'll get after it as non-conspiracy folks will realize when they see the number of terrorist attacks that our security forces have pre-empted.