Several pointers to the publicly released "treasure trove" from OBL's home @ Abbottad, which may help.

The documents themselves:

Via WoTR a guide by Clint Watts:

The Soufan Group's comment ends with:
One can learn a lot from a person’s reading habits, and bin Ladin is no exception. Everything he appears to have read was in furtherance of al-Qaeda and bin Ladinism. Superficially it might appearfrom papers on Iranian nuclear sites to French economic statisticsthat bin Ladin was grasping at straws, and in a way he was, given how desperate he was to get back in the win column. But to the end, he remained single-mindedly focused on learning the best avenues to inflict the most pain on the West, and his death has done little to change the damaging trends of his ideology.