Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Now wonder the Russian embassy in Kyiv wanted to see their Spetsnaz as fast as possible--and the following indicates that all "official statements" from Moscow that they "were former service members and or retired" were in fact out right lies.

So now just what is the US and UN response going to be when a country has a formal aggressor fighting inside their country--silence is not going to cut it any longer nor is hiding one's head in the sand and "hoping" it just disappears ie what the French and Germans are doing lately.

Ouch.............OPSEC, OPSEC, OPSEC--does not appear to be the Russian Spetsnaz "thing"--instead of constantly crowing about their "success" in the Ukraine maybe they should have simply done their jobs and disappeared quietly--typical Russian ego at work

Selfies will be their downfall it appears.

Captured terrorist bought car using special loan for russian servicemen, was sent to Ukraine to pay it off https://twitter.com/ServiceSsu/statu...08908699951104

Russian spetsnaz gets a lofty financial compensation for their "vacations" in Ukraine https://twitter.com/ServiceSsu/statu...08908699951104

SBU posting pics of entire unit captured Russian soldiers served in, say task of group was seizure of Shastya. https://twitter.com/ServiceSsu/statu...05567177629696

That's her, Alexandrov's wife, works in his military unit in HR dept but now says doesn't know where husband is https://twitter.com/ServiceSsu/statu...08120887984128

Ok, @ServiceSsu is now flooding TL with photos and personal data of other soldiers in the Alexandrov-Erofeef group https://twitter.com/ServiceSsu/statu...07133645316096

Other members of the captured Spetnaz group near #Shchastya
via @alcebaid pic.twitter.com/dxRu7ElwPY

Captured Spetsnaz group has been laying mines on Ukrainian side. With GPS coords.
@alcebaid pic.twitter.com/8viRgA0LD7

Locations where captured Russian Spetsnaz conducted operations behind contact line https://twitter.com/ServiceSsu/statu...03431970725888
@alcebaid pic.twitter.com/O7OUpTIH71

Note how Aleksandrov's wife, a servicewoman herself, was made up to say she that she didn't know where A. was :-) pic.twitter.com/IQ91WnKsqs