Written an almost travelogue writing style an article on how Portsmouth, the historical home of the Royal Navy, has earnt this headline: 'How Portsmouth became a hotbed of radicalised Muslims and far-right thug' and sub-title: Why has extremism been so able to take hold in Portsmouth - and what is being done to stop it?

Some context:
Portsmouth is a gritty naval city, still predominantly white British (84 per cent of its 205,000 population) and working class. Its 4,000-strong Bangladeshi community, the second largest ethnic group...Since the Pompey Lads left for Syria in 2013, close to double figures of men and women in their teens and 20s from the city have been stopped from making the journey. ...Hampshire Constabulary has had ‘hundreds’ of referrals of young people deemed at risk of radicalisation from extreme Islam or the far right.

(Whoops) Mashudur Choudhury, who before going to Syria was recruited by the council under Prevent funding to help stop violent extremism.