Quote Originally Posted by AdamG View Post
Are you truly asking, or perhaps tempted to bully pulpit?
I simply believe that best way to learn the truth is straight from the horse's mouth. If I have a opinion about something, should I not at least bother to check the validity of my opinion?

If I knew any African Americans I would have asked them some hard questions too. You are free to ask me the same.

You're aware that there are several groups in America (some quite well-funded) who make it a point to travel to incident sites and agitate mobs into acts of violence?

That leads right into one of the phenomenons of the MSM - when the facts contradict their initial leaps-of-logic and rush to play the blame game on their usual targets, then the topic gets flushed down the Memory Hole so fast that it would make George Orwell's head spin if he were still alive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_hole
I am very familiar with these kind of groups and MSM phenomenon associated with it. Here, in this part of the world, ironically these kind of groups are mostly funded by US.

You will NEVER see anywhere near the column inches/airtime minutes when the poor urban youth turns out to be completely, totally guilty of perpetrating a criminally stupid act that precipitated his own death - that would contradict the narrative.
That's because the news of just another black teen committing crime is not exactly going to make you (MSM) rich.

The American media is populated by a significant majority of individuals who hold to what can best be described as "Progressive" political world-views, yet lack the maturity and morale compasses to divorce personal prejudices from their work products (and since they need to attract maximum attention to ensure maximum ad revenues, sensationalist nonsense sells).
I disagree. For a country as young as US (not in literal sense) is abnormally conservative and riddled with preconceived and severely outdated notions of social and religious norms.

For all the absolutely superb things Americans managed to accomplish in the last century, getting rid of the old world concepts is not one of them. Hence, I am really fascinated by America and its people. Just one eg. Dr. Ben Carson. I wish I had even a fraction of his accomplishments under my belt but I don't. OTOH, I also don't believe that earth is 5000 years old.

You see what I am getting at.

You need to appreciate these Americanisms to distill the facts out of what counts as Open Source here.

That said, American Law Enforcement bears their own crosses for the current state of affairs - starting with small things like calling Citizens "civilians" (and thus implying a state of war between Law Enforcement and everyone else).
Just one suggestion, would definitely appreciate you feedback on it. What if you are to charge State with LE not the city or county, i.e, California PD instead of LAPD. I have a list of pros, you can provide me with cons.

1) States can have active and a likely positive role in LE. A governor should be more susceptible to public pressure than a sheriff.

2) Recruitment will be a state matter i.e., because of comparatively less corruption in US, nepotism and illogical recruitment will be handled appropriately. I believe LE officers should not be elected but recruited through a standardized series of tests.

3) Transfer system that partially works in other countries like India. If LE is state matter, you can transfer or relocate any member of the police to different city if any kind of irregularity takes place. Increases accountability or so I have heard.

4) State funding will entail that funds are appropriately distributed. This way Baltimore gets an APC and Doraville gets bicycles.

5) Training will be standardized with varying levels as per necessity.

I know I am being too clever by half as Brig. Ray used to say but what the hell, time to live dangerously.