Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Notice the extreme silence on the part of the OSCE, the US, NATO and the EU especially Merkel and Hollande.

Russia silently expands its occupation in #Georgia for 2 more kilometers.
Tbilisi asks the world not be silent


Tbilisi asks for “proper reaction” from global community as Russia occupies more Georgian soil
The Russians are pulling the same drill in the Ukraine--fighting, taking more territory and then suddenly claiming a new agreement and ceasefire--only to repeat the process--ALL the while taking ever more territory.

This move in Georgia buts them in control of a major oil pipeline system which is and have never been part and parcel of the "ceasefire" they signed in Georgia.

BUT will the West say anything????--seriously doubt it.

And one wonders why Putin just keeps on--absolutely no one steps up and seriously threatens to stop him and until that happens he will continue moving forward--just as he is in the Ukraine.