Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Maxim Tucker @MaxRTucker
Interview with BBC Radio about investigating #Ukraine's claim separatists are developing a dirty radioactive weapon

BTW--it should be noted that independent of this article--the Ukrainian government formally asked the OSCE number of weeks ago to ensure that this particular nuclear waste storage site be inspected to ensure it was still protected and had not been breached.

Interesting that the Ukrainian government was several weeks ago concerned about a possible "breach of the site" --NOTICE the OSCE was unable to get into the area to inspect the site as they were constantly denied entry by the Russian troops and her mercenaries.

Wonder why????
Let’s see three Russian trolls argue the article is rubbish, then the Russia mercenaries deny today that the nuclear waste storage site has not been breached BUT offer no video proof.

But the OSCE cannot confirm nor deny as the Russian mercenaries do not allow them access to the site.

Tend to think with OSCE not being allowed to check ie confirm and or deny------the UK Times might in fact be correct----