Quote Originally Posted by 120mm View Post
I know it's a necro-post, but one thing has bothered me about this, but I let it drop. Until now.

The problem with teaching "everyone" about the "warrior ethos" and using it as a buzz-words, is that there are damned few people out there who are really warriors. The rest are just Joes doing a Job.

You cannot teach someone to be a warrior; they either are or they are not.

Trust me. I'm a warrior. I know other warriors when I see them. Not being a "warrior" is not a handicap. In fact, being a warrior is an incredible handicap in life. You are constantly riding to the sound of the guns, and fighting the good fight, even when it is not the smart fight. Then, when you are inevitably discarded because you don't "fit in" with all the normal human beings, you get to grow older and bitter. And you feel useless to society.

Frankly, I take the "warrior ethos" push by the Army as an insult. And alternatively, incredibly funny. The Army is no place for "warriors". They are much too regimented and closed-minded for "real" warriors to truly thrive.
I was hoping 120mm might expand on that last statement a little bit.