Quote Originally Posted by Ironhorse View Post

Any lofty "truth" behind "why we invaded Iraq in the first place" can take a damn back seat to "what now?"

IO needs a compelling message, not some epic truth per se. Whether that is some lofty neo-con confessional, or just something that plays well in Peoria, depends on which O the IO is supporting. There not only could, but should have been some mission creep in the past 5 years.

So let's not make this a referendum on the past, but a way ahead for the future.
I wish more people would get on the bandwagon with this. The sh1t-sandwich is here. How will we take the bite?

And you're right. IO doesn't have to be all factual. Let's take a cue from the media. Take a bunch of quarter truths and build them into one big truth. Additionally, lets do a better job of exploiting success.

Quote Originally Posted by Ironhorse View Post
Below that, all kinds of focused messages. Many very precise, very localized, very tactical, and not by any means the whole truth. IO out the wazoo.

But we can't talk big IO like you seem to want to, without knowing which big strategy we're talking about.
And that's the problem. What is the overarching IO strategy?

I don't know either...