Azov battalion: militants occupied Kominternove near #Mariupol, kidnapped 1 civilian …

Border Guard Service: 3 enemy drone flights were recorded yesterday near Mariupol. #Ukraine

Russian mercenaries are getting free water—meaning there are not paying the Ukrainian government for water being delivered.

Russia still have implemented a single point under Minsk 2 yet complains constantly about the lack of implementation by the Ukraine which has implemented already a significant number of the Minsk 2 points.

MFA Russia ✔ @mfa_russia
#Zakharova: #OSCE report on water access in Donbass - #Kiev violates international law

NOTICE Russia FM does not state just what international la is being broken--BUT Russian troops invading a neighboring nation is not a violation nor is the military annexation of Crimea NOT a violation of international law?????