First, let me say that, like it or not, Thepartisan's post voices a viewpoint in a coherent way without a deliberate attack. There is a difference between an inflammatory post and a reasonable post recapping a position that inflames you.

Try to keep that in mind in any responses.

Quote Originally Posted by Thepartisan View Post
...many of you have a capitalistic mentality, or atleast the ones in power. You think everything can be bought, everything has a price, people's lives, peoples dignity. You kill someones brother, mother, child, and you think that throwing money at the issue is going to fix it all.
Second, on some substance, I'll say that I think that widely misses the mark on capitalism as I see it.

In the immortal words of Gordon Gecko, greed is good. And a capitalistic system puts some controls on our exploitation of power and wealth, while still allowing the spoils of success to accrue to the victors in the war of business. Without capitalism, we get a bunch of lazy communists with no reason to do things any better.

Granted, with our US capitalism, we have got a lot of those controls less than right, and we sure as hell don't have the distribution of wealth down. It is vastly imperfect. But still way ahead of whatever is in second place.

With regard to throwing money at death, let me say that is highly unpalatable for Americans. It is also a lot harder to find an American cop to bribe than it is in a lot of the world (but still not nearly hard enough). Your take on underlying American culture is wrong, confused by attempting to comprehend some superficial American acts (which are themselves being done in a cultural jujitsu sense, infinite loop inbound here) through your own cultual lens, which is about as cloudy as mine.