Latakia: Assad regime Colonel "Luay Aslan" killed along with his unit in Jabal Al Akrad by Syrian Rebels

ISIS will be wiped out. US and Turkey cut a deal and Turkey is shelling ISIS and US is providing CAS

Syrian Rebels shelling Assad regime positions

FSA helped several 10s civilians cross from #Daesh areas into rebel-held N #Aleppo

FSA rebels have captured the Shaheen farms south of Tal Battal (N #Aleppo) from #Daesh under Turkish artillery cover

Syria: according to reports #FSA rebels r about to launch a large scale offensive on #Daesh militants in N #Aleppo

Syria: this #FSA offensive will be supported by both coalition warplanes and Turkish artillery from across the border

Turkish artillery is targeting the #Daesh held town of Sawran (N #Aleppo) at this very moment