There's that crazy Russian/DNR depot in S. Donetsk again...140+ military vehicles. Doubt they're all there anymore.

New RU camp on 2.21.15 map. SE of Kuybeshevo. First new one I've seen post-summer 2014. Helicopter!!

Major RU Mil. camp on UA border, Feb. 21st '15. Completely gone by March 3rd '15. 47°46'37.51"N, 38°58'17.34"E.

Quick count of Kuyb. RU Base: 37 tents, 9 armored v., 105 heavy trucks, 1 Helo, 19 Artillery pieces.

One more part of the Kuybyshevo Base, 2KM NW of main base. 2.21.15 map.
47°47'58.70"N, 38°57'49.89"E

Location of staging base in relation to UA-RU border.
47°46'56.25"N, 38°59'17.74"E.
Camp not present on 10.5.14.