Quote Originally Posted by Firn View Post
Sadly history has shown that a regime can survive a hunger crisis while many of it's citiziens might not.

I would agree, but this report suggests that this time could be different and the key point is in bold:
A general strike paralysed Zimbabwe on Wednesday as shops and businesses shut down, public transport came to a halt and children were turned away from school......A spiralling economic crisis means that Zimbabwe has run out of money. The regime can no longer pay civil servants or teachers and strict limits have been imposed on the amount that ordinary people can withdraw from bank accounts......In the past, Mr Mugabe, 92, would simply order the Reserve Bank to print money whenever his coffers were empty. But the worst hyperinflation in history forced Zimbabwe to abandon its national currency in 2009. The country now uses the US dollar – which Mr Mugabe cannot print.

When will the regime not be able to pay the police and soldiers?