Quote Originally Posted by Azor View Post
Now, Yeni Safak claims that the coup plotters were part of the "FET/PDY terrorist organization".

Sounds suspiciously like the case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Center, does it not?
This is exactly why Erdogan does not care about Turks in general the same people he claims to want to be leading......

After a long bloody and brutal Kurdish PKK war....were thousands were killed..it was actually winding down with compromises on both sides....Kurdish language classes in the schools, local no military Kurdish political parties allowed and the PKK pulling into northern Iraq.

Then after the Gezi demonstrations and the following election where Erdogan did not win the majority and where he thought we would because the legal Kurdish party took 13% he was effectively blocked from creating his one man rule under a right wing Islamist/MB AKP party...suddenly then so called PKK/IS attacks started, and he ripped up all compromises with the PKK and basically declared the legal Kurdish opposition party "traitors" and stripped them of their parliamentary immunity then held new elections where he ran on an law and order agenda and won big time.

Thus he was home free and clear...BUT he was still not fully able to kick out the secular concept set in place by Ataturk.

There have been rumors of the last several years that portions of the military were not so happy with Erdogan and they felt he was destroying the secular nature of Turkey...what the coupists I think did not take into consideration was that the majority of all Turks have had enough of military dictatorships and thus would have never supported it.

The interesting question is...knowing that a coup was in the wind and coming did Erdogan and his supporters allow it knowing it would fail and then use it to completely cleanse Turkey of all secular aspects.

IMHO...definitely yes they did.

Why do I say that...Erdogan himself alluded a number of times to a possible coup for over the last 18 or so months...