Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
NOTICE the Russian FM never talks about the military and security trust building measures inside Minsk 2 THAT MUST be in place before the political measures can be implemented....

NOTICE he never talks about the total withdrawal of ALL Russian troops from eastern Ukraine....OR the total and complete disbanding and disarming of ALL Russian mercenary forces.....OT a TOTAL and complete ALL for ALL POW exchange OR the full and complete return of Ukrainian control to the Ukrainian border NOW under Russian military control......

IF one is to implement his demands BOTH Russia and her mercenaries WOULD NEVER get around to implementing the required security/military measures....AND the so called political goals would in fact give Russian mercenaries veto rights over anything the rest of the Ukraine wants to do....ie to join NATO and the EU....



NOTICE the last sentence....Ukraine has never forbidden the speaking and use of the Russian language....heck a large majority of Ukrainians outside eastern Ukraine speak Russian....

SO exactly what was the Russian FM talking about here??????
FM Lavrov says #Russia wants settlement in east #Ukraine. Russian/separatist forces could start by observing ceasefire, withdrawing weapons.