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Thread: The Trump impact on US policy

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  1. #11
    Council Member TheCurmudgeon's Avatar
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    I am not oblivious to the threat. Sites like Lawfare, War on the Rocks, and even Foreign Policy have all reported on the connection It is noteworthy that the only piece of the Republican Party Platform the Trump campaign had any interest in was removing lethal aid to the Ukraine. Why would Trump care about making sure the Ukrainians did not get lethal aid?

    I fully appreciate what you are saying. I get the same vibe. But the American government is a huge bureaucracy that pretty much runs itself. Changes will not come quickly. In many cases, it will not come at all without open rebellion - the Constitution will prohibit certain actions.

    I have to wonder how long the intelligence community will put up with Trump (or the Trump team) as a Russian pawn. Things to watch early will be who ends up in his National Security Team.

    As for the real changes in the country, I am not sure if they will be a real fire of a fizzle. Trump is a symptom of what has happened in America since Nixon left office. 1. Economic - Real wages have been flat and globalization/international trade has redistributed jobs in a global market. American Trade deals did a lot to spread the wealth, but did not take into account the downside to the American worker. 2. Technology - Things are changing fast. You cell phone, that most American barely understand the full capabilities of, are being upgraded every other year. Robotics are replacing workers. The American education system has failed the American people. Add to this the belief that you must go to college, not a technical school. What jobs that were available in manufacturing in the US, American workers were not educated to take. 3. Social change. It was bad enough to have a black President, that was a shock to many people's system. There entire understanding of how American really worked was threatened. Then can gay marriage, women in combat jobs and the Rangers, and the final straw was transgender bathroom rights. At this point many white, older Americans no longer recognized their country. You had people who had been told from the time they were young that America was the greatest country on earth, that their children would have a better life than they would, that this country's motto was "In God We Trust," yet we seemed to be turning our back on God, and that the minorities, who were just a drain on the country's resources, were taking over the country. Trump did not create any of that. None of that was coordinated, it just happened. But some people took advantage of it to spread fear, and the people in power, rather than explain what was happening or soften the blow by not pushing so fast for change, simply dismissed the people's concerns - told them to quit being so racist. Not a smart move.

    Regardless of Trump's Russian ties, what is going to happen in this country will be a re-balancing of power from the left to the right. How far right that re-balancing goes is hard to tell. But it would not have mattered who would have been elected. This "blow-back" was going to happen whether through the system, with Trump as President, or through violence by groups like the Oath Keepers and the III Percenters. Time will tell how far Alice goes down the rabbit hole...
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 11-19-2016 at 01:29 PM.
    "I can change almost anything ... but I can't change human nature."

    Jon Osterman/Dr. Manhattan

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