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Thread: The Trump impact on US policy

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  1. #11
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post
    I agree with you on this one, another thread taken over by a hundred meaningless twitter posts, and no space allowed for debate. While he challenged you to respond to his excessive number of posts, he hasn't responded to the criticism of Clinton. This thread is almost effectively dead.
    Love it when people fail to remember the endless and countless so called investigations that were to reveal just how corrupt the Clintons were and are suppose to be.....DO I seriously need to repeat all of them in a very long list to readers such as Bill and Slapout...since the 90s...WHAT is that 20 or so odd years an still counting....AND over what 14 different investigations.....

    AND remember their close personal friend who was an advisor who committed I need to respinn what was spun by the Republicans for three long years when the DC Police had long before declared it a suicide due to personal reasons....AND lo an behold it came up again via Trump and company.....

    Some complain that Bill got a massive speakers fee in the 100s of thousands of dollars...BUT WAIT it went into the Foundation and was IRS declared and taxed as earned income....BUT WHEN all politicians and ex Presidents hit the speakers and lobbyist circuit earning also hundreds of thousands of dollars WE declare BUT hey they earned it....BUT WAIT do we question currently the outside earnings of our own House Reps and Senators..THAT occur every single day of the year........NO...

    BUT at the end of the day AFTER all those countless and endless investigations driven primarily by Republicans WHERE any charges ever filed against either of them......

    Oh...and that Whitewater land deal mess the Republicans screamed about for years.....never a single charge and in the end it actually had been handled correctly.....confirmed if one took the time to read the IRS findings to be completely and truly "legal"....

    Oh......and that so called pay for play accusations against Clinton for the Clinton Foundation donations in exchange for favors by the then DoS Clinton....AND pounded by Trump in each of his rallies as "that corruption swamp of the Clintons...hang her...arrest her...throw her in jail".....

    WILL highly recommend you both go back to the WikiLeaks email dumps which actually when one excludes the fake Russian placed emails CLEARLY states she definitely separated office and play......BUT hey you both overlooked that tad bit of information in all the WikiLeaks chatter.

    BTW...this is the same WikiLeaks that we now know was feed those hacked emails by the Russian state sponsored hacking groups...AND we know that the Russian propaganda media released a statement that Wikileaks released BUT TWO DAYS before Wikileaks released the same exact press release...strange is it not that the Russian government could read the computer of WikiLeaks and knew in advance what was to be released word for word....

    Nothing like actually ignoring WikiLeaks inadvertently supporting Clinton with in those emails....

    HER use of a private email server...WELL three other DoS's in the last 30 years DID the same exact thing.....BUT that never seemed to get through the chatter...

    AND THOSE TWO MILLION emails deleted from all of the Bush computers WHERE NOT A VIOLATION of federal law...AND not pursued by the incoming Obama........AND those 4000 Trump company emails deleted THAT the federal court told Trump to not delete as they were evidence in a fraud should never thrown stones at a glass house as they can come back at you....NOTICE Trump was not called "a scheming crook trying to hide damming evidence from a federal court" was he?
    Come on guys we complained about Bill's sexual adventures in the WH BUT YET WHEN we have the next President claiming he grabs women by their "pu...ies" WE declare that what "locker room talk" ....but consenting sexual encounters between two adults we seem to have problems with these days VS sexual assaults as defined by law by the now new President....

    WHEN 12 and still counting women over a period of 20 years come forward and state he treated them exactly as his videos indicates...we call them lairs and Trump wants to sue them.....WHEN he comes into the WH with 72 pending state and federal court cases we call him a great businessman....WHEN he has had a total of SIX bankruptcies and has to service monthly a debt load of 650M USDs we call him a REALLY GREAT businessman.....

    WHEN a sitting Republican Representative cheers the fact he got the security funding for the Benghzi Consulate cut months before the attack as a sign of Republican success against the then DoS Clinton and then later American personnel get killed...."IT was the fault of that corrupt Clinton".....AND WE ignore the Reps comments and actions that contributed directly to their deaths....AND we ignore DoD held back a DELTA team that was waiting on the tarmac because DoD could not get their act in order to respond to the WH.......

    WHEN you critique me be ready to respond to facts line by line....

    SO when we accept in the realm of public debate statements by the now new President ..."she is a crook...needs to be in jail...I will jail her when I take over...she sold out the DoS for money....."

    We are suppose to what accept that as the new standard of political discourse....????

    I chose a new nationality simply because I feel that both Trump and the current Republican Party no longer represent the values that I felt for years the US represented and with my wounds and spilled blood for this country in 18 long months of pure combat and in serving in two other wars I have long ago earned the right to be critical...far more critical than say a Slapout that accepts what he apparently "hears" to be the gospel and truth...

    BTW Slapout I was not a supporter of the VN far from it but when my country asked me...well maybe ordered me to VN.....I went and did my best and lost a lot of close friends along the way.....which you have never experienced.

    So I have the inherent right to critisize when I think the US is headed the wrong way....

    Slapout and Bill...the floor is open for prove me wrong...

    Listening...... is the inherent kicker now...IF you really look at the email issue with Clinton....WHEN you are in public service even as a First Lady you are inherently open to FOIA requests...and both Clintons have been literally hounded by FOIAs for 20 years....BUT a private personal server does not fall under FOIA....

    NOW that Trump is a government paid employee HE is fully liable now to fulfill ALL FOIAs coming into his office....there are hundreds now lining up to file FOIAs on every single aspect of his business and personal life....he will shortly learn what the Clintons have felt like living under FOIA.

    QUESTION that private server sitting in his Trump Tower used for months for direct conversation with someone in the Russian Alpha Bank located in the heart of Moscow going to be declared "private"...BTW the server was scrubbed clean and reconfigured after it become known that it was chatting with Russia....

    AND this does not worry the both of does me? could argue that Clinton have gotten the same punishment as did General Petraeus who also got caught with classified materials....BIG difference though...Petraeus "parked classified" information in a email draft and parked it in his email draft box for his girlfriend a journalist to log into his account and then read the draft email....that is a deliberate and clear violation of security regs....and the method used to transfer that info was a deliberate attempt to hide that he knew what he was doing....end of story...
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 11-19-2016 at 01:45 PM.

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