Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Azor...force sometimes used in a meaningful way can actually stop most issues....

IF Obama and the emphasis is on the IF...if he had truly launched a massive and specific TLAM attack over a few days to effectively destroy the Syrian AF and their helicopters we would not have seen the following;.....

1. Russia entering Syria
2. Assad using 167-200 times chlorine and sarin against civilians
3. the fall and utter destruction of Aleppo
4. the eventual fall through the rebels of Assad
5. a unified rebel effort against IS
6. no major entry of Iran and shia militias into Syria in the numbers we now are seeing
7. IMPORTANT...not over 2.5M refugees in Europe and in Turkey and Jordan
8. the large amount of war crimes...ie starvation....ethnic cleansing...gas attacks...cluster munitions using incendaries against civilians and residential areas...

BUT we did not see a major strike in 2013 and we have what now????

Now one can spin the reality of the use of force anyway one wants to but sometimes when diplomacy goes nowhere after three years...measured force is the way forward...
Back in 2013, we've had plenty of discussions to all such topics - just check the older threads (if they're still around?) - and the near unitary reaction on this very forum was, 'go there if you like, but Syria is not important and thus no issue of the US national interest'.