Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
BUT the core answer to Russian political warfare which is definitely being directed right now at this very moment the US ...I could show you if you were in Berlin an attack ongoing since early morning US time against a power grid in the US coming out of deep Russia via four different cutouts....which is successfully being deflected from here and out of Europe BTW not the US.

This is the real world of kinetic activity that the previous quote refers to....and that is daily now...and silence out of Trump WH...

I have my biases and it is one of having the earned right to those biases when it comes to the defense of democracy.....and if I recall correctly I warned about Trump being elected. I took and still take the sentence in the oath....defend against domestic and foreign enemies seriously..

I like that I no longer have to ask permission to respond....as I own the response and it is my decision....

We spent the last week basically blocking Russian control servers handling a massive botnet which was supporting Le Pen on the info war front...so yes there was a hardcore hand at work....and no support came out of the US for these efforts....

So on the European populist front....Wilders blocked in the Netherlands...Le Pen down 26 points and will not make it....Austrian FPO lost even though winning first time around...German AfD down in polls to 7% from a high of 14% and going even more far right since yesterday.....

Europe is doing a rather good job of pushing back on the far right populism and the US response has been?

BTW...26 US proTrump twitter accounts were identified by us as being involved in this active Russian influence operations botnet effort....which had supported Trump in his campaign and now are suddenly "involved in France"???

We tracked a series of Russian started comments into the US and then suddenly watched them being picked up by these US proTrump accounts and fired back into France...coincidence...hardly....

Is it not strange that the majority of efforts to track/stop Russian influence ops with their fake news and fake/info war social media messaging comes out of Europe and not the US.....why is that?

Why is it that the democracies of Europe are far more involved in this "kinetic fight" than the democracy of the US?

This goes BTW to your political warfare thoughts...and not carried much in the US MSM was it?

They generate black cash for black ops; they carry out assassinations.
They smuggle weapons; they carry out cyberattacks.
And they run all sorts of errands the Kremlin wants to keep its fingerprints off.
Meet Russia's nationalized and weaponized organized crime syndicates -- a deadly tool of statecraft for a highly criminalized state.
On this week's Power Vertical Podcast, we discuss co-host Mark Galeotti's new report for the European Council on Foreign Relations: Crimintern: How The Kremlin Uses Russia's Criminal Networks In Europe.

Quoted in the article..by a Russian criminal who claimed to have quit in 2016...

"In Russia we have power and safety...in Europe we have wealth and comfort"...

BTW here is a chart of some of those proTrump accounts supporting actively this week Le Pen.....up through mid day yesterday French time...

So explain to me why a GOP Tennessee twitter account under Ten_GOP is supporting a far right anti Semitic nationalist French political party which has nothing to do with US politics?

BTW...this twitter account had been relatively "quiet" then suddenly spiked in tweet numbers starting the morning time for Paris...coincidence?

Or were they just out there supporting Trumps' own Le Pen tweet?
Bill...in the cyber/info war front we are already at least in Europe in the kinetic trenches and it is getting worse by the day and out of the US total silence.....

If you took the time as we do to analyze twitter accounts then the info war being driven by proTrump twitter accounts needs some serious thoughts tied around them....

Who owns them..what is the messaging intent and who is driving that intent is just a few of the basic 5Ws and 1H.....but it is not being asked.

Check the previously posted chart and notice the proTrump accounts Ten_GOP....Basedmonitored and then take a look as we did to their twitter activities the day before the French elections and on the day of the elections...

You will notice a sudden distinct spike in twitter numbers in outbound messages up from a rather quiet period before the election ...if one is an twitter analyst this is an indicator of a controlled account....because the volume is to high for a personal to type them out...

Then and this is the key....MLP_Officiel is the official Le Pen account who then took these US inbound tweets and retweeted them giving her account followers the distinct feel that she had massive support from proTrump accounts.....

Then if you read through both US accounts you will notice the following account being often shown.....
Mike Cernovich #
Verified account
#@Cernovich 14h
14 hours ago
Every single mainstream media article on the French elections has to put "far-right" before Marine Le Pen. Almost seems coordinated.

Cernovich has been tied to the twitter account #syrianhoax which pushed countless tweets about the rebels being behind the Syrian sarin attack...was constantly pushing Russian tweets as his own and which actually many twitter analysts named as leading the Russian disinformation tweet campaign on the sarin attack in the US.

Then Cernovich's #Syrianhoax tweets are picked up and pushed by an alt right white nationalist site run by Alex Jones called Infowars WHICH Trump has admitted to often reading...

Now convince me we are not a ongoing brutal trench warfare kinetic fight....on the cyber and info warfare side....

Still stand by my biases....