Right now it is interesting to see a massive twitter bot storm against anti Trump accounts that have been carrying actually quite accurate Russian Trump information breaking verified by MSM stories long before MSM.....

These bots only "suddenly" appeared in the last five days and equal what we see as spamming on the email side.....

NOW we are seeing that some conservative pundits on say MSNBC who claim one thing on their resumes turn out to have a totally different resume when social media digs into their pasts....and they push stories that make no sense and only contribute to a form of "chatter" that deflects from the actual Russin Trump investigation.....

So now outside of FAKE bots one has to contend with FAKE humans....interesting times......

But Nance is a lunatic with ZERO background in Russia. Hence this utter craziness.

MSNBC’s Nance: Maybe Kushner Planned to Send the Nuclear Codes to Russia
‘What did he intend to transmit?

MSNBC Terrorism “Expert”: I Know the FBI Spy Catchers Who Took Down ‘Victor Davis Hanson’

Posted by Mark Finkelstein ## Saturday, November 5, 2016 at 2:30pm
Leading Conservative Intellectual Hanson’s No Spy: MSNBC Expert Presumably Had Robert Philip Hanssen in Mind

How totally clueless is Nance about Russians and CI?

Social media open source then jumped ich.... What's your connection to Oleg Deripaska? Be very careful with your answer, Malcom. PS: I know about Iraq.

BTW..he claims to have been a retired "naval officer" BUT he retired a Senior Chief (E8)...