Sarah Huckabee Sanders Hits New Low With Trump Tweet Defense

The deputy spokesperson wouldn’t even admit that Trump should be held to a ‘higher standard’ than two cable-news hosts.

“I think the American people elected somebody who's tough, who's smart, and who's a fighter, and that's Donald Trump,” Sanders said, painting him as the victim of “bullies” in the media who criticize his actions and policies on a daily basis.
FIRST they bash Obama for not doing anything against the Russian hacking and THEN use Obama as an excuse for Trump's driving off the rail of sanity yesterday....

Obama got bashed daily by the GOP for eight years and never lashed out in the way Trump did AND Trump bashed Obama as a "birther" for over four years and Obama never lashed about at Trump...he only questioned his sanity.....

Trump really does need to seriously grow up and became an adult.....BUT WAIT he is already 71.....?????