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Thread: The Trump impact on US policy (July 2017 on)

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  1. #10
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    This is interesting for a number of reasons and gives maybe some insight into why individuals tend to say go "alt right" in an attempt to impress and or in an existing group of like believers...

    Actually an excellent example of why and how "propaganda and or disinformation" works via influence......

    REMEMBER the Trump CNN came from a sub Reddit account T_Donald which is a heavy proTrump account similar to many alt right ie white nationalist proTrump twitter accounts.....

    Trump takes down CNN in mock fight video

    Han***holeSolo, the Reddit user behind the now-famous video showing Trump body-slamming the CNN logo, apologized#Tuesday in a post on the website.

    In a lengthy post on the popular social media site, Solo apologized for past anti-Semitic posts, and to CNN for the video.

    "I would like to apologize to the members of the Reddit community for getting this site and this sub embroiled in a controversy that should never have happened," Solo wrote.
    "I would also like to apologize for the posts made that were racist, bigoted, and anti-semitic. I am in no way this kind of person, I love and accept people of all walks of life and have done so for my entire life."
    So exactly what affected this end user to go "alt right" in order to impress and join a so called like minded group.......

    What were the series of bot tweets and or narratives that "spoke to him" to push him into this area that he claims he never was in????

    That is why the Russian and now Trump influence operations are so effective....

    NOW couple that with "big data" and the concept of "voting social engineering" and information operations that push such social media messaging and narratives....targeting end users such as above....

    AND further.....

    "The meme was created purely as#satire, it was not meant to be a call to violence against CNN or any other news affiliation," they wrote.#"I had no idea anyone would take it and put sound to it and then have it put up on the President's Twitter feed."
    Solo went on, calling trolling an "addiction" and urging other Redditors to reject bullying.
    "Trolling is nothing more than bullying a wide audience," they wrote. "Don't feed your own self-worth based upon inflicting suffering upon others online just because you are behind a keyboard."
    "We as#redditors#and as Americans are better than this."
    The Reddit user also wrote that despite the meme's content, they have respect for the First Amendment and reporters.
    "Our first amendment protects the press from things like violence, and we as American citizens should respect that even if the opinions of the press are not in line with our own," Solo wrote.
    "I have the highest respect for the journalist community and they put their lives on the line every day with the jobs that they do in reporting the news."
    BUT here is where I seriously doubt what he is actually saying.....

    WHY...this same individual immediately after it was known that Trump had used his meme.......he "boasted" on the same site "the Great Imperial Emperor2 had used his meme and he was honoured by that.....and was cheered on by those on this specific Reddit site.....

    BTW he used the term interesting comment which I will comment on later...
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 07-05-2017 at 04:02 AM.

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