Good point, but I'd also bring up that these countries are also not democracies, and that's a contradiction in the strategy as well. If the GWOT is about "democracy" that is.

We've seen what happens with a real democracy in Palestine. Hamas now is the ruling party. I'd say that all three of the countries you mention would have decent percentages of radical Islamic political parties entrenching themselves if any of these countries were to actually become a democracy.

Quote Originally Posted by SteveMetz View Post
Second, while the administration is right that the foundation of the threat we face is the ideology which generates extremists, it has come up with a strategy that focuses on killing or capturing extremists rather than undercutting the hostile ideology. America's primary "partners" in the conflict--Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan--tolerate and even support the ideology which gives rise to violent extremists. Our strategy tolerates this. It is a fatal flaw