Presented as an illustration.

February 21st -
The measles outbreak in Madagascar has grown to a total of 68,912 cases since October, including 926 deaths, the World Health Organization in Madagascar reports (computer translated).

February 22nd -
In a follow-up on the measles epidemic in the Philippines, health officials are now reporting 11,459 measles cases, including 189 fatalities since the beginning of the year though Feb. 20 , an increase of 3,000 cases and 50 deaths in four days.

February 23rd -
The measles outbreak in the Pacific Northwest now has 70 confirmed cases, The Oregonian reported Saturday, with 65 of those cases coming from Clark County, Oregon, where the outbreak began on Jan. 1. Four more instances of the disease, which had been all-but eradicated in the U.S., have been reported in nearby Multnomah County, and one has been reported in Seattle, Washington.