Been out of touch for a few weeks, and I miss Stan

Last week we set up a language lab at Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center in Bridgeport CA. They are keying on Tactical Pashto for the ETTs training during Mountain Viper. They want to pull in the tactical simulations as soon as possible in addition to the language & culture sims.

This past week we set up the MSG computers at Quantico. 30 of them are being shipped out to Sahel French Embassies for the Marines to learn....Sahel French, go figure. I never could get a decent language program going when I was stationed there because of WAWA, now the Marines can learn on there own time and the SNCO can monitor progress....gotta love technology

Newest scoop coming out is that 4th LAR is going to get DVTE suites......I wonder how that happened?