Regarding the exodus of the company grade officers from the active Army, I'd like to offer a bottom-up viewpoint. I work with 4 Captains who have each mentioned they will most likely be leaving after our next deployment. We all have at least one deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan - I'll leave the list of qualifications at that, though I will mention two were selected to attend SF's selection course, but were told by the BN that they couldn't be spared. The disconnect between company grade officers and say, 05's and above, is enormous. Anything done at the BDE level is inherently viewed as the COL shooting for his star by the guys down at my level. Several mentioned the catalyst was a cancelled four day, we were recalled (the entire BDE) to undergo safety training such as how to properly light a BBQ pit, proper procedures for typhoons and the like due to the death of two soldiers on pass. No one really cared about the four day, but the consensus was the commander was just performing a knee jerk CYA action. I know that many of you gentlemen are looking from the top down, and I wanted to speak up for the LT and CPT viewpoint. The empty promises (more time with families while you're CONUS) and apparent lack of common sense, have not gone unnoticed.