"A: One...and it's not funny."

This old, classic joke from the 70s plays exactly on what you are talking about Dominique. Having started my undergraduate education at one of the most left-wing campuses in the U.S. (Reed College), I encountered many extremely serious and perennially indignant militant types. I do remember well that the absolutely worst thing from their point of view was ridicule or any sort of humor directed at their own sense of high seriousness. And that happened to be a time in my life when I was only too happy to supply the required ridicule. This occasionally resulted in unpleasantness, even once having a heavy object hurled at my head.

So I'm predisposed to agree with you that satire is an excellent pyschological weapon. Anyone using it against a target connected to Islam (whether the "real" kind or some "perversion" of it, a subject that is beyond me) would need to be very careful and "culturally sensitive" (god I hate that phrase but I guess we're stuck with it). I think of the Danish cartoons and George Bush's inadvertent use of the word "crusade" and so on, and shudder at how easily we in the West manage to pass the Law of Unintended Consequences over and over again. Still, more power to anyone who can wield satire with the required subtlety!