If security is truly the answer, and thus we cannot do anything else in Iraq until the security situation improves, why do police officials and city planners not feel the same way in the US?

In Compton, East St. Louis, SE D.C., South Philly, Harlem, etc., city planners and police officials routinely seek economic development and increased governance programs ahead of more cops, more cars, more guns, etc. Why? If the answer to solving the 18,000 homicides, and more than 100,000 attempted murders and homicides each year was simply more security through an increased presence, why havent we done it yet?

I believe that it is never too late to do the right thing, thus, disarmament needs to be part of the overall effort. I am not suggesting that we walk into Sadr City and say give up the only means you have for protection; however, I am suggesting that in cities such as Fallujah, where there are thousands of Iraqi Police and Military, it is possible.