Quote Originally Posted by MattC86 View Post
The potential problem here is that it seems to me the track record (in terms of popular support and legitimacy) is for clerics backed by the United States to suddenly and precipitously lose popularity.

If we threw our weight behind Sistani, like any other cleric, he would be caught in a difficult position between US support and the relative anti-US opinions of his constituency.

I have a hard time imagining Sistani going down a path virtually guaranteed to make him a collaborator in the eyes of his constituents.

From what I understand Siatani doesn't want a political position as this would interfere with his job as a spiritual leader. I was thinking more on the line of helping in the areas where Sistani says a difference could be made. Perhaps in support of his social programs listed on his website http://www.sistani.org/local.php?modules=main
This would be an indirect way of helping him and raising his influence without branding him as a collaborator.

At the same time could always get photos of americans getting chummy with Sadir (preferrably handing him a bag of cash).