Being neither fully enmeshed with the civilian world nor fully separate, those who bear arms will not and cannot be given the same Public ear when from within the ranks malfeasance is exposed and rears its ugly head. When guys like Yingling and Sanchez, ex post facto, start speaking out, the Public simply doesn't want to hear too much of it. To lend full ear is to entertain the possibility that the Nation can't be defended. It's that simple. In short, don't expect much support or sympathy from us and don't get too smug and prideful when the *(^&* politicians get on the band wagon over issues raised by guys like Sanchez and Yingling. Rummy fell on his sword a long time ago. How involved do you really want civilians to be in your lives? You need to ask yourselves that and keep the #### in the ranks where it has always belonged - deal with it and straighten it out.