Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
You are correct, there is not substitute for field experience. But, that’s where my concurrence ends.

Allow me to point out the blatantly obvious. We are talking about the US Armed forces, ...

We don’t turn loose our soldiers so they can begin fraternizing with whomever while overseas. There are still rules and regulations (you’ve concluded it’s bureaucracy).

There’s inherent danger in anything the US Military does. The object of training and simulation is to remove the ‘stupid’ factor. The Armed Forces do not automatically factor in death with her missions abroad.

I’ve been through Kwatah city more than five times in the last 3 years. What’s the big deal in visiting basically a huge flea market? Might be dangerous if you ate something
Stan, he's talking about training of analysts for intelligence work. You appear to be talking about training of regular soldiers for combat. Perhaps if you were discussing the same topic it might work better? (Biting my toungue over the 'stupid factor' opening... )