It looks interesting as a research tool. I wouldn't categorize it as an analyst's tool.

For me, restricting any on-line search to a specific question is constrictive - it narrows the thought processes. By the time I reach the phase in the project where I'm down to such specific questions, I damn well better know where to look (of course, this statement does not refer to true intelligence gaps, as regards shortfalls in collection).

In the research phase of a project, I very much prefer broad response to queries, as I'm looking at an entire spectrum of information. This helps develop the approach as I go along. Starting an analytic project with specific questions is like using leading questions in an interrogation - you're only going to get back what you've set yourself up for, and you end up missing out on the really valuable information.

If you haven't seen this, give it a whirl: A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods

FYI, whenever I see "Intelligence" and Debkafile mentioned in the same space I want to spew. Debka, the Northeast Intelligence Network (a particularly foul misuse of the term) and WorldNetDaily are all utterly unreliable steaming piles of internet dung.