I must say I tend to agree with the broad thrust of his arguments, biased as I am (that light infantrymen are the highest evolved life form). It is also largely borne by what my company trained for and is currently conducting currently in Afghanistan. Each patrol has a G2 and CIMIC mission, and each soldier is a sensor for every dimension of the operation. The training premium is indeed very high, and we work hard to keep each skill set up to speed. I'm most fortunate in having a sniper section, who are without doubt a force multiplier (don't tell them that - they're cocky enough as it is), and I'm using them to take the rest of the boys through observation skills on a regular basis. We also go for the 'shura' method of talking through issues and new TTPs among the commanders to spread best practice and experiences. It may depend on precisely what role a unit finds itself in, but I basically agree that if each brick or team understands the core functions and what the effect required is, the initiative and determination of the Guardsmen produces truly humbling results.