In light of bourbon's post above you may enjoy this from 2005 'Past Arguments Don't Square With Current Iran Policy'

Which I found as a footnote in this ( ), which is one of the better reports I have read on the subject. I checked out the footnote as it was the source for the rather surprising claim the US had approved plans for Iranian uranium enrichment and plutonium reprocessing facilities which I had not previously been aware of.

The best document I have read so far is which has an excellent section on all the sites in Iran (hat tip davidbfpo & Jedburgh for that one).

The final link is to the latest IAEA interim report

And now for my question. As their is so little hard data and so much speculation when addressing important questions like 'how close is Iran to achieving reliable working centrifuge cascades?' we are often left with 'expert opinions' and in this area that is often from a think tank or similar. My problem is it seems to be getting harder and harder to find any kind of purportedly independent analysis that is really that. I am looking for a simple way to try and check out if the 'XYZ peace and freedom institute', or similar, are for real or a wholly funded by Lockheed's PR company. Can you help? I did find this which is a Wiki trying to do pretty much what I need but when I tried to use it I found it had not yet got much data in it - at least not on the groups I was interested in.