"Arrogance and Academic insecurity, leave me to believe that Barnett might be exploited by a cunning enemy in war time considering his influence"

I'm sorry but this is absurd and frankly, an unfair insinuation.

Tom has flown off the handle on his blog on occasion in a way that is self-defeating and in a style that I would not personally use, but Washington is not exactly short on public figures with healthy egos and combative attitudes. That being said, I also know that Tom has a high degree of respect for the ideas and experience of thinkers like Chet Richards and John Robb.

Much of Dr. Barnett's work is not in the public domain having been done in the form of studies or projects for the U.S. Navy, OSD and the NIC and in collaboration with people like H.H. Gaffney and Admiral Arthur Cebrowski. While it is fair and expected that there should be disagreement about the validity of his PNM theory, we're pretty much safe from shadowy foreign cabals seeking to control American defense policy by manipulating Tom Barnett.