Quote Originally Posted by Ratzel View Post
Yes, they are free to promote their extremist agenda, and I would never suggest that they don't have that right. But I do see MoveOn as an organ for international leftism. This force didn't just go away after the Soviet Union Collapsed, they started other ventures. The rank and file members are mostly made up of college "revolutionaries," but they do have some pretty heavy hitting financiers.

I also find the idea "that soldiers are going to decide whether or not they favor continued US engagement in Iraq based on whether they were given a phonecard" to be pretty silly. But I have seen these groups attempt to recruit disgruntled soldiers as well as literally throwing things at recruiters. During the Vietnam war, the left attempted to subvert the US Army and to some degree, did a good job. Of course we don't have a draft Army, but the potential still exists. Just not at the same scale.

I would not claim to be an expert at anything, but I have spent time studying radical political movements. And while it may not be MoveOn's main objective to bring down the US Government, it is certainly the goal of the International leftist Movement. MoveOn has a role to play in it just as the radical environmentalist groups, "anti-racist" groups, and open borders groups. Taking out an ad mocking the highest ranking military commander in the country during wartime is quite subversive.

As this country continues to change demographically, these type of groups are going to become more powerful. They will continue to agitate the new hispanic immigrants entering this country along with other people feeling disenfranchised and will take advantage of the ever increasing income gap. Leftism is growing very fast in South America and places like Columbia or Venezuela could easily become the base of support for arms and money to guerrillas in North America.

This may sound outlandish or "pretty silly" at the present time, but I see a lot of change coming to the world in the next 30-50 years and I don't take anything for granite.
Well, we'll agree to disagree. I don't consider Moveon any more of a radical leftist group than the 700 Club is part of a transnational fascist movement. I'm not what you refer to "an ad mocking the highest ranking military commander in the country" and I personally don't consider this "wartime."

Leftism is not "growing very fast in South America." It's existed there for 100 years and is not growing any more now than it ever did. And I find the idea of "places like Columbia [sic] or Venezuela" becoming "the base of support for arms and money to guerrillas in North America" pretty looney.