I think since people think that fourth generation warfare is a decided (no it isn't) affair, then we've got to go out and discover the fifth generation. If I was going to place fifth generation warfare it would be firmly in the land of computer mediated warfare. At no other time in history have we had the capability of command, control, communication, and coordination. We often try and define cyber warfare as a limited engagement involving computers and the efficacious hooliganism of attacks within one of the three confidentiality, integrity, availability (CIA) triad.

I think if you look deeper the topic is much bigger and references a ground swell in adoption and adaption to strategies and abilities. Computers running UAV's, computers running Phalanx and other battle systems, IED sweeping robots (Roomba of the battle field), and so much more that didn't exist 25 years ago. Fifth generation warfare is not a simple information operation (IO) that might involve a political process. It is a ground swell and change in the active pursuit of kinetic and non-kinetic means of battle.