Eddie at Live from the FDNF has a post up:

"Tom Odom's "Journey Into Darkness"

"Surveying the transformation of the Rwandan Patriotic Front from “insurgent to counter-insurgent” in the second half of the narrative, Odom shares intriguing insights into the challenges of a rebel group that only intended to fight its way into the system (i.e. for better rights, fair opportunity, security and representation) , not assume outright control of it, as happened in their case (the RPF ended the Hutu Power genocide of minority Tutsis and moderate Hutus by defeating the government/interahamwe forces who led and helped spur on the genocide). Arguably, broad but helpful lessons from this experience can be applied to the mentality and operations of forces with similar tracks, i.e. the Tamil Tigers, Hezbollah and the myriad of rebel groups in southern Sudan"